LCC Annual Magazine issue 7
A Line Which Forms a Volume

A Line Which Forms a Volume is a critical reader and symposium of graphic design-led research that is written, edited, designed and published annually by participants of the MA Graphic Media Design course at London College of Communication.

In the seventh issue, we document and explore the role of emotions in the process of design research. According to Zizi Papacharissi, affective publics are networked publics that are mobilised and connected, identified and disconnected through expressions of sentiment. With the process of affective reading in ALWFAV 7, we attempt to build the same networked structure of feeling. We aim for new insights into the world, which encompass aspects of culture, society, and political matters.

Internally, participants from MA GMD unravel the emotions that are embedded in their works and how they shape their research processes. These processes open the gate to a ‘discursive space where stories can be told’01, allowing affective interpretations and connections to spread and extend through this issue, and to the publics that it reaches and creates. Externally, we engage in conversations and workshops with researchers and practitioners in the field of visual communication, discussing diverse explorations of emotion in practice and in form.

01  Papacharissi, Z. (2015). Affective Publics: Sentiment, Technology, and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
MagCulture Magazine of the Month ︎︎︎

EDITORS | Chengbo Yao, Yang Sun
GRAPHIC DESIGNER | Cheng Chang, Sea Ho, Yankai Pei, Pauline Hill
VOLUME ADVISOR | Paloma Moniz, Ricardo Gonçalves
COPY EDITOR | Bryony Quinn
SYMPOSIUM & COMMUNICATION | Huazheng Wang, Maja Rohde, Suting Chen
PROOFREADING | Amy Henry, Carlos Romo-Melgar, Tony Credland
PRODUCTION | Hyowon Choi, Pauline Hill, Sea Ho
PRINTER | Tony Yard
PRINTING AND BINDING | London College of Communication

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